Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Getting my feet wet

I think water is my favourite element, regardless of situation. Weather it is to be surrounded by, to watch or to take photos of. There are so many different ways water can behave, and each is just as beautiful as the other.

I really haven't got a lot of experience in shooting water, but it is one thing I would like to do more of, just because of the way it behaves. I also find it intriguing how you can make water look, depending on what shutter time you are using.

These are my first attempt of water photography using slow shutter time. They leave a lot to be desired still, I didn't use a tripod for example, because I didn't have one...

Sumpafallen between Falkenberg and Ullared

Sumpafallen between Falkenberg and Ullared
I have also done a bit more editing to these photos, than what I normally do, to compensate somewhat for my inexperience in water photography, and to create a more moody feel to them.


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